
This morning,  my homeschool day was pushed aside to have just one more “play-date”.

A chain of events spawned by my distractions out of the house led to a Pelligrino bottle crashing onto the floor at Whole Foods and shattering into thousands of pieces- half of which ended up in my son’s flip flops. We spent forty minutes brushing off glass slivers while balancing on one foot. My peaceful day turned out to be just another rat-race. Sigh… Thankfully- I made it home in time to drive an hour to attend our church’s Eleven conference. 

My spirit feels awakened now at midnight after returning from an evening in the presence of the peace and Joy of the Holy Spirit.  I’m typing in the dark- hoping not to awaken the sleeping children. This beautiful evening was nearly thwarted by my exhaustion of busyness.

I’m reminded I need to say ‘no’ more. Perhaps I wrote that for myself after all. Maybe, it was for you.


Inspired by a friend who was giving too much of his time to his church “job” and not enough time to God- I  wrote this last year…

I’m highly valuable
That’s why I’m worthless

Seems like my life is such a mess
Everywhere I turn,
They expect a yes
Arms split
Pulled in all ways
How can I give my best
To the One who gives me everything?
To the One who gave His everything?

Lord, help me say no
So I can say Yes