What is a Blog?

I first heard the term “blog” when we were out of the US in 2004 for nearly a year chasing the grape growing season. It was suggested to me by Nelson, my big brother (in-law): “you should have a blog.” What was that? I barely had internet access once a week and was still carrying around a breastfeeding baby in foreign countries and figuring out where our next meal was coming from.

My thoughts on that trip and many others before and since have amassed into nearly 100 journals.  Some of them half-filled, some scribbled in and containing everything from coffee stains to grocery lists to in-the-middle-of-the-night prophetic visions and tomorrow’s to-do’s forgotten today. There are scribbled napkins and pressed leaves, smiley faces drawn with crayons, and bits of prose and limeric scatted throughout the pages in no particular order. Prayers and petitions. Thoughts of the Kingdom of God. Ideas on remodeling, gardening, friends, child rearing, childhood, wine dinners and recipes. Lagotto Romagnolo Dog training and breeding (I fell in love with all things Italian our summer at an agriturismo.) All over- jumbled thoughts.

I awakened this morning after nightmares of running into old boyfriends at Chick-fil-A, with a stuffy nose and soon after children screaming “that’s my seat!”  I looked at my dusty living room with popcorn sprinkled over the floor like fallen leaves waiting to be raked. I was craving a cup of coffee with my husband, but it was brief and cold virtual one via Skype today while he is on the road. I looked around and prayed from the depth of my soul- “Jesus, help me make order out of this chaos as only you can do!”

And, three hours and two cups of French-press later, here I am. Thinking once again, the way for me to make order in my chaotic spaghetti-bowl like brain is to write. I will be starting to write something geared at an audience other than my Homeschool “class” like coloring the alphabet letters with my three year old or third grade writing and spelling with my second grader. Or, maybe that’s exactly what I’ll be writing about? Stay tuned…and share a word… I’d love to hear from you.