The COVID-19 pandemic is causing many of us to re-evaluate everything. However, nothing has been looked at, relooked at, and re-evaluated more than how to educate our children in the upcoming school year.
But, no matter whether we make the choice to homeschool, or world school, unschool, alternative school, or “traditional” school – one goal is the same: education.
As we grapple with the educational choices before us, it will soon be “back to school” across the globe, and whatever path you choose for your families’ education, this post is meant to inspire you. I believe in building bold and courageous thought leaders and men of action in our home.
While we may choose different routes toward education in our next generation, I believe WHY we choose to educate our children the way we do is as paramount to learning itself.
Let’s backtrack a moment.
What is education anyway?
In its original word form, the Latin word for educate was educare “bring up, rear, educate,”- related to educere “bring out, lead forth.” I remember my mom, an English major and word-junkie, saying that the word educate came from the Greek work educo.
Side note- we’re studying Latin this year.
To draw out= education.
I propose that at the very core of education is our opportunity to draw out, bring forth, and lead our children into who they are destined to be in the Lord. For His plans are better than ours. His ways are not our own. We should MUST lead and guide them into becoming who they are meant to become. There is no common core or standardized test that can bring out the best in each child. It is our responsibility, and honor, as parents and alternative educators to truly look up to the Lord and inward to our children’s best. What are we really doing, as Christians, to inspire our children to be the best they can be?
Stop critiquing and start inventing and innovating. Sit together and daydream. Explore, excite, and ignite them. And, above all, train them in the way they will go, so when they are old, they will not depart from it. Then, and only then, will we be educating. Along the way, I’m willing to bet we’ll be getting an even better education than our children.
While I don’t know the faith of these young minds or their educators and parents, I can only believe that the best in them is truly being drawn out. At age four, our oldest son was beginning to love Lego and was drawing pictures of buildings he called “hotels.” He still loves building Legos. Someday, I dream of taking him to cities of crazy-amazing architecture like Shanghai and Dubai to see just what’s possible architecturally in person. And though I may not be the best textbook mom, I continually encourage him in the natural gifts my husband and I see taking shape. Until then, we’ll build and dream together.
And I’ll believe in his education and that I’m building a young thought leader.
Here are a few videos I’ve compiled of young thought leaders I’ve stumbled across that I’ll be sharing with my own young men at home, enhancing their education.
Twelve-year-old Adora Svitak reminds us of the need for childlike thinking.
Logan LaPlant reminds us to Hackschool to be Happy. And to remember that when we grow up.
Katie is a twelve-year-old out to feed the world from her own back yard.
Though I’m sure he has the adults behind Soul Pancake helping him, and I do love Robert Frost (I almost always prefer the road less traveled), there’s plenty of wisdom and fun from Kid President, here.
What are you doing to educate your next generation this school year?
I’d love to hear! Share below in the comments!
Blessings for your journey!