
I love & live in these Crocs at the beach. I've learned to get beyond the ugliness and treasure wearing flip flops everyday!
I love & live in these Crocs at the beach. 

Living at the beach really has its share of life lessons. One of the loudest for me has been that life can be a perma-cation.

We haven’t always lived at the beach, but it’s something I’ve dreamt of since I was a little girl and I’m very blessed to be here now. We’ve spent many vacations and even a year abroad in foreign countries without cell phones, televisions, video games or fast food. We’ve lived simply out of a couple of suitcases without wanting more, and avoided fast food simply because it didn’t exist.

Each time, upon our return to this US culture, we realize more and more the importance of the simplicity of a vacation lifestyle every day. In our family, we start and end our days with fun and prayer. The television rarely turns on- we substitute good music, dancing together, parks, beach walks, nature treasure hunts and good old fashioned board games. We avoid fast food. And, I’m in a continual process of giving away and living lightly, prepared to go at the moment’s notice and God’s call.

What have you done today to REALLY LIVE as if your life was a perma-cation? There’s so much to discover… Heaven really can be here on Earth! Slow down, disconnect to reconnect, let go of your stuff that weights you down, and tune in to your family and the beauty that’s all around you.
Oh yeah, and pull out your favorite pair of flip flops. You never know who will want to fill your shoes- so what are you teaching them?

How do you practice permacation? If you don’t, why not? I’d love to hear from you!