Category: Faith

  • Be a brush to paint the world with Life

    I don’t remember where I stumbled upon that quote ages ago, but it has stuck with me- perhaps painted a bit of its truth in my heart. Perhaps it is because I am an artist whose heart and desire to create beauty was shut inside for many years and now is bursting out like a…

  • Permacation

    I love & live in these Crocs at the beach.  Living at the beach really has its share of life lessons. One of the loudest for me has been that life can be a perma-cation. We haven’t always lived at the beach, but it’s something I’ve dreamt of since I was a little girl and…

  • How do you define the Kingdom of God?

    This was originally written and posted for the online magazine, Wrecked. I was asked recently to define the Kingdom of God. I don’t know if anything qualifies me to come up with a sound definition, but as a lover and follower of Jesus Christ, I am beginning to see the beauty in the reality of…