Category: Travel

  • transcending cub scouts with art…

    Tonight I led a round table of six second-grade cub scouts through a recreation of  Picasso’s life and “Mains aux Fleurs.” I pray the art they created transcended the den meeting and it’s permanently mixed in their minds that when they mix red and yellow something beautiful is born and when they present someone with…

  • What is a Blog?

    I first heard the term “blog” when we were out of the US in 2004 for nearly a year chasing the grape growing season. It was suggested to me by Nelson, my big brother (in-law): “you should have a blog.” What was that? I barely had internet access once a week and was still carrying…

  • Permacation

    I love & live in these Crocs at the beach.  Living at the beach really has its share of life lessons. One of the loudest for me has been that life can be a perma-cation. We haven’t always lived at the beach, but it’s something I’ve dreamt of since I was a little girl and…