Tag: homeschool

  • 7 Secrets to a Non-Conforming Homeschool

    This was originally written for the Home Educating Family blog. Click over there and read the descriptions of a non-conforming homeschool! Do you remember a song from your childhood that sang “Make new friends, but keep the old… one is silver and the other gold?” One of my “silver” friends is a recent Floridian transplant…

  • transcending cub scouts with art…

    Tonight I led a round table of six second-grade cub scouts through a recreation of  Picasso’s life and “Mains aux Fleurs.” I pray the art they created transcended the den meeting and it’s permanently mixed in their minds that when they mix red and yellow something beautiful is born and when they present someone with…

  • No.

    This morning,  my homeschool day was pushed aside to have just one more “play-date”. A chain of events spawned by my distractions out of the house led to a Pelligrino bottle crashing onto the floor at Whole Foods and shattering into thousands of pieces- half of which ended up in my son’s flip flops. We…

  • What is a Blog?

    I first heard the term “blog” when we were out of the US in 2004 for nearly a year chasing the grape growing season. It was suggested to me by Nelson, my big brother (in-law): “you should have a blog.” What was that? I barely had internet access once a week and was still carrying…