Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Vote for Family Travel
I took the passion test once and learned I had four passions in life. Two of them were to spend time with my family and travel the world. Experience the World Around You We Vote for Family Travel because it is the best way to experience the world around you. It’s the best way because…
Vote for Adventure Travel
Vote for Adventure Travel As the political seasons continues to heat up, I’m pleading my case to cast a vote for more adventure! Adventure is something that everyone needs more of and can benefit from. So why should you vote for more adventure travel in your life? 1. Adventure makes you feel more alive!…
Vote for Travel – Enjoying the Journey, Not Just the Destination
How can you make driving across Nebraska fun? That’s what we asked ourselves as we faced the better part of a day of driving across a state that we had found quite boring in the past. We lived in Minnesota and liked to travel to western states, which often means driving across miles and miles…
Vote For Travel with Teens
Travel with teens can be a fun and uplifting experience, or it can be a nightmare. It is all about how you approach and plan the vacation and the expectations you have during the trip. After several trips, I vote for “Travel with Teens!” Having an only child, we often included friends in our travels…
Vote For Large Family Travel (and some tips!)
The traveling bug bit me early on in life. By the time I was 18, I had lived in Peru for half a year and had already visited several different countries. So when my husband and I went on to have children, we didn’t let our expanding family slow down our travels. Even when that…
Vote for Multi-Generational Travel
For us, family travel is a legacy: It’s a priceless inheritance that’s been passed on from one generation to the next. From immigrant families that established new roots in the United States to pioneering families who headed west and farming families who settled down across the plains, my husband’s family history is filled with trailblazing…
Got any book recommendations?