I Have a Dream, Inspired to Share because of MLK

In fact, I’ve been having a recurring dream.

A dream about something larger than just our homeschool. A dream that involves an exciting chance for every child to be a world-changer. A dream that is bigger than “no child left behind” and is more like “each child advancing forward in their full God-given potential!” A dream about the reformation of the education system in our nation. The same system that’s supposed to rise up the next generation of leaders. Yet, so many of our youth are failing this “system” and falling away from their faith as soon as they are released to make their mark on this world.

Something has to change.


The Dream

It’s not fully clear, this recurring dream I’ve had for eight years, but I did wake up this morning with the two words, education exodus, heavy on my heart. Then I remembered it was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. These two words, education exodus, have rung as loudly in my heart for these past six years as the school bell in my sleep in the dream that feels something like it could’ve come out of the television show LOST.

I see an “old fashioned” school house.You know the one, like Little House on the Prairie. The one with the school bell on the top, shaped something like a church.  The bell begins to ring. And keeps getting louder. I’m walking out from this schoolhouse. I hear the words, and almost see them in neon writing- Education Exodus.  I look over at the schoolhouse, and at first a few, then a few hundred, and eventually thousands of students are leaving this building, under the ringing bell, and walking away into a light.  And the words keep ringing. In my dream, I’m startled awake and know I must write this down on paper. And it’s been written in my heart for the past eight years. But, this dream of walking away into something greater, the light- needs the building of something greater. So, I’ll write this and pray that the builders will come along side.

Education Exodus

This morning I wake up and hear those two words loud as the new day’s hot Florida sun, again. Only this time, I don’t shrug them off to wonder, I begin to REALLY ponder something better. Something that would make a difference.  I have coffee with a friend who believes in my dream. And, I begin to let a small seed of faith take root that says I can make a difference. Because I’ve had a dream.

As the day unfolded, I read on two of my favorite blogs, Goins Writer, and Michael Hyatt, about how MLK made an enormous DIFFERENCE, a REAL CHANGE, and left an incredible legacy- in SUCH a short amount of time, and with a less-than perfect history. So, today, in honor of MLK, I’m allowing myself to share this dream for the first time. Here.

This blog was never named for travelingthough we talk about it and are blessed to learn experientially through travels. It was named for the journey we all walk with the WORD. Jesus Himself. And the real education of each of our journeys, with the words we are empowered to speak for Him & with Him. To have VICTORY in this life to accomplish more than we can hope or imagine.

They triumphed over him (the accuser- the enemy of our souls) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11

I’m a Product of this Sick System of Education

Nearly thirty years ago, I was a tween. Wondering who I was and what my place in the world could be. And I was beginning to be bored in the limited offerings in school. After starting a non-existent school newspaper in the sixth grade, I was content through middle school with my creative outlet as the yearbook editor. But once I moved onto high school, I got lost in the system.   I began seeking my own outlets in all the wrong places. I lost my faith, and turned to an alternative form of completing high school, so I could escape the sick system.

I desperately wanted a challenge

Something greater to be a part of and sink my creativity into. But I was lost in the system. I’m grateful every day for my life, and pray to use my journey to inspire others.

Today, after years of wandering, eventually finding THE WAY, (ok, really, He found me!) and the past decade building a solid foundation on my relationship with our triune God- Jesus, His gift the Holy Spirit, and our amazing Papa, am I able to SHOUT…

I have a dream.

I’m not sure what the details of this dream look like carried out “IRL,” or what the Lord will do with this vision (if anything,) but I’m inspired. And, today, I’ll share that word with you. And I’ll pray that you’ll be inspired to dream with me for something greater in education for the children of our nation, and all the nations of the world.

Through four years of coaching young tweens through the First Lego League and Boys & Girls Club, I’ve been inspired. Our research and project presentation on Social Enterprise won trophies at state championship, but the real prize is the excitement in young hearts for seeing things differently… seeing education in a whole new light, and believing that just one person can be a world-changer.

Today, eight years after that first dream, I’ve become Vice-Chair of the ELEV8Life Educational Foundation. And dreams are becoming reality. Check out our offerings, sign up for updates, and pray with us as we grow and rasie up tomorrow’s leaders today.

Are you with me?

Do YOU have a dream?

What do you dream about that you haven’t yet shared? What do you want to change in this world? I’d love to pray with you- leave a comment below.