Top Ten Travel Tips With Children: a guest post by Mary Prather


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“I believe that exploring new places, meeting new people, and seeing God’s wonders firsthand is an invaluable experience for my children.  I don’t want them to be afraid of new things.   I’m willing to make a lot of other sacrifices in my life so we can travel. ” -Mary Prather

homegrown kids travel

Our list of top ten travel tips with children:

1. Pack Light! Because our children are old enough to pull their own rolling suitcases, we purchased them each one with a kid friendly theme they would like. It’s their responsibility to keep up with their luggage, and the size holds what they need, yet fits in the hatch so they don’t have to be checked. Packing light keeps things simple and leaves room for the extras, like books, cards, or a Kindle . . .

2. Travel Early and Off Peak!  Homeschooling provides the perfect opportunity to grab flights once everyone else starts back to school, or for the weeks just prior to a major holiday.  We avoid high traffic and crowded airports, and we get better deals.  details here. 

3. Pack Food and Activities! Every good mother knows that bored and hungry children – do not make for pleasant travel companions. Read about a few specific ideas for travel activities here.

4. Give Children Responsibility!  Along with keeping up with their luggage. Improve critical thinking skills as you delegate items to remember on the trip. Gate numbers, parking areas, and exit numbers are just a few things your children can help keep track of. It’s also a wonderful chance to practice those mapping skills.

5. Set allowance money for the trip! Avoid extra whining and begging by setting limits ahead of time. By giving each child a set amount to spend on the trip, they have both freedom and responsibility to spend wisely. It won’t take long for them to get the hang of sticking to the budget.

6. Have a schedule . . . but remain flexible!  A little extra time spent planning ahead of time, can save a lot of frustration later. Knowing what happens next is an important part of a smooth journey, but scheduling in plenty of down time is critical for your families enjoyment as well.

7. Save money by eating a big breakfast . . .

8. Be Patient, and Funny . . .

9. Study Before You Go . . . 

10. Take Advantage of the National Park System . . . 

Details matter Please read them here on the original post!

It’s  full of links and information to help you plan your next family travel adventure!

I am so thankful to have Mary share her top ten with my readers, and most of all, for the friendships I have been developing with other homeschooling families who love to live life on the road as we do! Enjoy! Remember to share your best travel tip in the comments! Buen Viaje! – Jen


2 responses to “Top Ten Travel Tips With Children: a guest post by Mary Prather”

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  2. Thomas Avatar

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