Category: Inspiring Travel Stories
Travel is About Family: Not All Who Wander are Lost
JRR Tolkien said it best when he penned “Not all who wander are lost”. Welcome to Day #10 in our Travel is… series! Whenever I read that line, I feel like I get a little twinkle in my eye and start planning our next family adventure. It is so easy to get stuck in the…
Travel is Great for Creating Special Memories
Today is Day #9 in our Travel is… Series I love traveling! Not only does it give me the chance to explore and learn about the world around me, it also gives me the chance to create memories that often bring smiles to my face! In my travels, I have done some pretty amazing things.…
Travel is the Best Gift
Welcome to Day #8 in our month long Travel is… series! Growing up, I spent countless hours with my brothers at campgrounds. We climbed trees, ate more than our fair share of toasted marshmallows and rode our bikes with reckless abandon! At the time, I didn’t realize it, but those moments are the most precious…
Travel is Necessary
This is the second of 2 posts today, Day #7 in our Travel is… series! To some, travel seems like a luxury afforded only to the wealthy or well-to-do. To my family, travel is a necessity. I know, that may seem extreme, but bear with me. Several years ago, my family traveled to meet long…
A Family Adventure: Travel
Welcome to Day #6 in our Travel is… series! Travel is an amazing way to spend quality time together as a family and create lifelong memories. BUT it is also an opportunity for adventure. Why is adventure important? Adventure is defined as an exciting or unusual experience, but it can also be a BOLD or…
Travel for Your Health
Welcome to Day #3 in our Travel is… series! Travel is Good for Your Health! Many travel for experience, sense of adventure, for work, for vacation, for connection with family, for broader perspective, cultural immersion or to “find themselves.” But have you ever thought of traveling for your health? Studies are in. Travel IS good…