Category: Travel

  • Fathom Adonia Cruise Travel Hacks/ Tips

    Fathom Adonia Cruise Travel Hacks/ Tips

    This is a guest post by my dear friend, Lori Heiselman, who was one of the first passengers to sail with Fathom! We had an amazing time on the Adonia, so join our subscriber list and follow us on social , and follow #TravelDeep to keep up with our adventures!  CONGRATULATIONS! You’re about to Travel Deep…

  • Vote for Family Travel

    Vote for Family Travel

    I took the passion test once and learned I had four passions in life. Two of them were to spend time with my family and travel the world. Experience the World Around You We Vote for Family Travel because it is the best way to experience the world around you. It’s the best way because…

  • Vote For Travel with Teens

    Vote For Travel with Teens

    Travel with teens can be a fun and uplifting experience, or it can be a nightmare. It is all about how you approach and plan the vacation and the expectations you have during the trip. After several trips, I vote for “Travel with Teens!” Having an only child, we often included friends in our travels…

  • Vote For Large Family Travel (and some tips!)

    Vote For Large Family Travel (and some tips!)

    The traveling bug bit me early on in life. By the time I was 18, I had lived in Peru for half a year and had already visited several different countries. So when my husband and I went on to have children, we didn’t let our expanding family slow down our travels. Even when that…

  • Vote For Florida Gulf Coast Travel

    Vote For Florida Gulf Coast Travel

    Something I’ve learned since moving to Michigan is that Michiganders have this love affair with Florida.  I have to admit that I didn’t really understand it.  I mean, I get it, it’s C-O-L-D here, and Florida is not.  But why not Texas or South Carolina?  Why not Hawaii?  Maybe Michiganders just really love Disney World.…

  • Vote For Travel Off The Beaten Path

    Vote For Travel Off The Beaten Path

      With 20+ years of family road trips under my belt, and 30,000 miles last year alone, I’ve learned a thing or two about traveling America’s highways and byways. I love the convenience and speed of highway travel, but wow — that endless ribbon of blacktop can get so boring! To break up our travels,…