Cassie Brickman, Creative Director
Cassie Brickman was born and raised in Palm Beach County, Florida. Cassie is here to impact our Word Traveling Community with her amazing and outgoing personality and her awesome multi-media skills as our Creative Director. Cassie strives for the best because of her passion and love for Jesus. Cassie’s willingness to step out in will lead her on amazing adventures here on the team. Cassie’s on mission to shine God’s light & love of the world through video editing, social media and photography. In her free time outside of her graphic design studies and retail work, you’ll find her reading and listening to music. Let’s welcome Cassie to the Word Traveling Team!

In Cassie’s own words, “God puts people in our paths to help us grow with our talents, leadership, personal and spiritual lives. That’s what God did when He put the Reyneri family in my life journey. Throughout the six years I’ve known the Reyneri’s, they have played an important part of my walk of life with Jesus and in my personal life. When I was going through some rough times with my family and school, Jen and her family have always had open arms and were there for me. The Reyneri’s have taken me as one of their own, like a sister to the boys and a daughter to them. I have been a babysitter, friend, sister/daughter, and an assistant to the Reyneri family and they keep pouring their hearts and speaking life into my life. I am so blessed through them and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for years to come. I’m so exited to be a part of the Word Traveling team!”
Cassie and Jen at #LetYourWriteShine retreat

Niko “Suave” Rivero, Impact & Missions Editor

Nikola Rivero was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and raised between Vegas and Denver, Colorado. His usually bare feet have touched the soil of numerous continents and countries, most of which he has courageously trail-blazed on his own. Niko is a devout follower of Jesus and can be identified by those who’s lives have been touched by him as the modern day “man after God’s own heart.” His passion and motivation for advancing the kingdom of God as an artist and leader has led him all over the world, where he leaves his unique brush strokes through a number of mediums. Nikola is currently loving and serving in Tanzania, East Africa as a missionary to Mavuno Village. He will continue to impact the Word Traveling community and the world with his extraordinary character, creativity, bravery and skill as our Impact and Missions Editor.
Let’s welcome Niko to the Word Traveling Team!!

In Niko’s own words, “I met Jen and Luis as an energetic eight-year-old boy, pain-filled with confusion due the recent divorce of my parents. My mom introduced me to her new best friend, Jen, who quickly became and will always be my greatest role model. “Auntie” Jen and Uncle “Tio” Luis always cherished me, prayed for me, and gave me opportunity throughout my teenage years to become a thriving, Jesus- loving young man. I am who I am today because of their patience, their investment in me, and their unconditional love for me. Today, they are my biggest inspiration for a Christ-filled marriage and family and learning and investing in education, culture, and travel.”
Connect with Nikola on Instagram 

Luis Reyneri, Co-Founder, Dad Contributor, CFO
The Man Keeping it All Together for Word Traveling

Luis E. Reyneri has been the driving force behind the success of Word Traveling since its launch on 12-12-12, and since he met the Word Traveling founder, his bride, Jen in 1998. You’ve seen his smiling face in our social media posts and videos, it’s time he had a formal introduction. Luis will be an awesome part of the forefront of Word Traveling, contributing stories form a dad’s perspective on our family travels, stories about real life fatherhood from the road of life, and on being a great dad and husband while being a business traveler. Luis’ expertise in the hospitality industry will bless our community with the food, service and wine side of a faith-filled traveling lifestyle. I’m thrilled to introduce my amazing husband of sixteen years to you, and beyond excited for our adventures together!
Give Luis a warm “official” welcome to Word Traveling and check out his incredible bio below!
Cuban-born, kingdom-minded business man, Luis Reyneri, brings his 30+ years of hospitality management to the Word Traveling team. During a study abroad in Brussels, Belgium with Boston University, Luis caught the “wine and travel bug” and the French language. Over the years since, Luis has deepened his faith through studying the vine. As the Southeast Regional Director of Sales to the award-winning family-owned winery, Domaine Serene, Luis has had the opportunity to partner with some of the finest hospitality businesses around the globe. Well renowned and credentialed in the industry as Certified Wine Educator & Advanced Sommelier, Luis has served as head judge for the Miami International Wine Fair.
An enthusiastic and engaging contributor to society, Luis has volunteered at such prestigious charitable events as Destin Charity Wine Auction, Napa Valley Wine Auction and The Naples Winter Wine Fest. For over twenty years, he has shared his passions in service and wine by creating wine tasting and educational clubs, serving as an adjunct university professor, and mentoring young sommeliers; once himself receiving Las Vegas’ up-and-coming sommelier award. Luis has left his mark of excellence with the Hyatt Regency, House of Blues, and the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas and has worked with the Pebble Beach Food and Wine Fest and the Wine Spectator Grand Tastings. He has been featured in the LA Times, Latina, Hispanic, and Naples Illustrated and has previously worked with Jackson Family Wines.
2004 marked a year of adventure when the Reyneri’s became “ex-pats,” selling everything and embarking on an eight-month vineyard tour of Europe where Luis worked two harvests, pressing, pruning, and stomping with renowned wineries: Maison Louis Jadot in France and Weingut Gunderloch in Germany. It was during the Reyneri’s wedding in Belize and time abroad where Luis and Jen began to pray, “expand our territory, Lord, so we can serve you and others.” They dream of creating a retreat center life training, where those seeking to “disconnect so they can reconnect” will become immersed in rest, reflection and the ability to rejoice!
Luis serves as volunteer treasurer for Cub Scout Pack 812, Executive Director for the Elev8Life Educational Foundation (where Word Traveling has partnered) and as a long-time leader of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. He resides at the beach in Hobe Sound, Florida with his two sons and creative wife, Jen, who documents their adventures with a pen (keyboard) and a lens. Together, they dream of making a positive impact in Cuba, and live life to its fullest: homeschooling, cooking, gardening, exploring, traveling and sharing while serving others.
Luis helped a major resort chain develop their culinary series, and during his multiple stays, the company took an interest in our “different” homeschooling family, which led to the creation of educational programs at that resort company, and subsequently, the founding here of Word Traveling.
Connect with Luis on Linked In
And I’m Jen Reyneri, Founder of Word Traveling. Connect with me all over social HERE!
I’m here to ignite, excite and inspire you on your Kingdom journeys.
Read more about me here.
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