Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
#LetYourWriteShine Destin Recap
Christian Creative Women’s Retreat The #LetYourWriteShine Destin Recap What happens when you get a bunch of Godly, amazing women together in one incredible beach house for a weekend? You get an overflowing of God’s love and inspiration! A weekend outpouring of God’s peace, joy and love- overflowing with visions and dreams specifically for each and…
15 Fancy Coffee Drinks You Can Make at Home (DIY)
If you’ve spent even a few minutes with me, you know I am a coffee lover. In fact, I’m convinced that Jesus himself is a coffee lover. If you search my feed, you’ll find #JesusIsACoffeeLover. Even more than drinking coffee, I adore sharing coffee with friends, old and new. I hope these DIY fancy coffee…
How To Afford Your Travels Abroad – Without Saving Up A Ton Of Money
You don’t have to slave away saving up thousands to travel abroad. You could pack your bags and jet off somewhere next month if you wanted. In fact, we’ve done this! By reassessing the way you travel, here are just a few ways that you can fund your travels without saving up. Image Source This…
Stop Saying You Don’t Have Time to Travel!
Ask a bunch of people what they wish they had more time to do and the chances are most of them will say ‘travel’. Sure, there may be plenty of people who would rather stay at home and garden or play video games, but most people want to be able to see more of the world.…
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