Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to Give a TedX Talk

    How to Give a TedX Talk

    I’m honored to introduce you to Word Traveling’s newest contributor, dear friend Joseph Almeida. A first-generation American born to hard-working Portuguese parents, Joseph embodies the values of Word Traveling. Hope you enjoy his post and his AWESOME TEDx Talk!  How to Give a TedX Talk Recently, Jen asked me what inspired me to give a TedxTalk,…

  • A Resolution in One Word: Miraculous

    A Resolution in One Word: Miraculous

    A resolve to not make resolutions With the new year in full swing, there’s talk of resolutions everywhere.  This year, I resolved to not make resolutions. Instead, I prayed for my One Word for the year ahead.  As I pressed into this “word” the Lord was placing on my heart, He began to share how…

  • Top Eleven Word Traveling Posts of 2014

    Happy New Year! Hope reading this blog post finds you blessed, excited, and ready to take on 2015! I’ve been taking most of December offline to be intentional with my time and family, and will probably do the same for the beginning of January in preparation and planning for an awesome year ahead! You’re sure to see…

  • Five Favorite Things about the Fabulous Leap Pad 3- a Review by a Mommy & Son

    After a month of use with the new Leap Pad 3, we received as part of a promotion with Leap Frog and Beaches Moms, we’ve got a great handle on it and I can share our honest opinions with you. If you are considering a tablet-style learning device for your young learner, I hope these…

  • A Caribbean Scavenger Hunt (Part 2) and A FUN & FREE Printable for You!

    A Caribbean Scavenger Hunt (Part 2) and A FUN & FREE Printable for You!

    I was so inspired by the fun that on our last family adventure in the Caribbean , it led me to create a FREE printable Family Caribbean Scavenger hunt for you, too. You can download it at the bottom of this post.  🙂 If you follow along on our adventures, you know I’m a treasure…

  • A Caribbean Scavenger Hunt at Beaches Resorts (Part 1)

    A Caribbean Scavenger Hunt at Beaches Resorts (Part 1)

    While enjoying the crystal clear aquamarine waters of Turks and Caicos at Beaches Resort, our family had an incredible adventure. I was blessed to be invited as part of the #BeachesMoms Social Media in the Sand conference, and of course, we travel with family for business. On top of the incredible scenery, pampered luxury, amazing snorkeling and…

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